
You may always develop web apps in PHP 7 to take advantage of a variety of new language features, as well as improved speed and lower resource use. However, in order to develop customized web apps in PHP without wasting time and effort, you must choose the correct PHP framework. You have the choice of selecting from numerous open source PHP frameworks based on the unique demands of the project. 

According to data given on numerous websites, a substantial majority of web developers favour Laravel over any other alternative PHP frameworks. Laravel, like other PHP frameworks, includes a variety of capabilities that help speedy web application development. However, it helps developers to maintain the app by producing clean, organized, and usable code. Laravel also has an advantage over other web frameworks owing to its superior functionality and development tools.


Laravel is now more popular than other PHP frameworks. Smarter web developers, on the other hand, never select a PHP framework purely on its popularity or market share. To pick the PHP framework that properly satisfies all project objectives, you must weigh the advantages and downsides of Laravel. Laravel, being an open source PHP framework, assists you in lowering the cost of developing online applications.

Top Advantages Of Using Laravel Framework

Intuitive Syntax Rules

Laravel’s syntax guidelines are clear and straightforward. You can learn Laravel syntax without putting any additional effort or time. By writing clean code, the syntax principles will make things simpler for you to maintain and update the Laravel app. Furthermore, the syntax of Laravel allows you to focus on the performance and functionality of a web app rather than its source code.

Dependency Management Tool: Composer

Third-party packages may be used to improve the functionality and user experience of your Laravel web application. Laravel also assists you in efficiently managing external packages with a powerful dependency management tool such as Composer. You may even use Artisan commands to download and execute Composer easily. However, Composer will assist you in setting up Laravel projects without having to download zip files or clone Github packages. You may also modify the composer.json file to fast download the required components.

Blade Template Engine

Laravel, like other popular PHP frameworks, adheres to the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural principle. As a result, by keeping the user interface and business logic layers distinct, you may simplify the creation of big and complicated web apps. Laravel also includes the Blade template engine. You may use Blade to embed plain PHP code in your views and compile them into PHP code. As a result, you may improve the performance of the website by compiling the views into PHP code and caching the code until the views change. Blade also makes it easy to present data and extend layout without slowing down the web application.



Laravel features a command line interface – Artisan – for doing standard web development activities. Artisan commands may be used to conduct typical web development activities and to improve the speed of Laravel apps. In the meantime, Laravel allows you to develop custom commands based on your own requirements. You can even build a new custom command by executing an existing Artisan command – make:command.

Support by RESTful Routing


Laravel enables web app development by enabling RESTful routing, in addition to simplifying web application development. You may use the PHP framework to create REST-based web services. The functionality allows you to connect the web application to other apps and services using an open protocol such as HTTP. You may also enhance web application development by adopting HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

Best Unit Testing

Unit Testing

Laravel allows you to do unit testing on a single feature or component of the web – based application using PHPUnit. It also creates the phpunit.xml file by default. As a result, during the development process, you can easily define test cases and do unit testing. At the same time, Laravel allows you to develop unique test methods based on the project’s specific testing requirements.

Multiple File System

Laravel 9 includes native support for various file systems via a third-party package called Flysystem. The functionality allows PHP site developers to simplify settings by allowing them to use both local and cloud-based storage options. You may also alter the setup using either filesystems.php or config.php. By selecting from a variety of drivers, you will be able to keep the APIs consistent.

Authentication Library Provide by Laravel

Laravel’s authentication library assists you in keeping web applications safe by providing several authentication methods. Individual authentication services can also be controlled and managed by making modifications to the authentication configuration file. You may also use the authentication library’s security capabilities to encrypt data, establish login pages, and prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Laravel’s compelling features and tools make it easy to create unique web apps that meet a variety of business requirements. The increased functionalities frequently have a negative influence on the performance of Laravel apps. As a result, you must employ a number of performance optimization strategies to improve the application’s speed and user experience. However, Laravel has been continually improving to match growing web application development needs. You may always speed up the development of customized web applications by taking use of the new features and advancements offered in the most recent version of Laravel.

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